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"Financial Planning is more personal than financial."

-Tim Maurer, Author and Financial Planner

Life is a series of transitions and tradeoffs. From our first job to our last breath we encounter a constant stream of financial decisions.  For example:

  • When can I retire?
  • Do I contribute now to the company 401K or wait for a match?
  • Will I ever be able to buy a house?  How much can I afford?
  • How do I invest?
  • What the heck is a bond?
  • Do I need life insurance?  How much? 
  • What’s the best way to save for...(a home, college, retirement)?
  • What's the best way to save on taxes?
  • Do I need a Living Trust?  Isn’t a Will good enough?  
  • And the ever popular, "Am I missing out on Crypto?" (Answer: No!)

How can the average person decide when there are so many choices?  A financial planner can help.

So, how do we decide?

Few of us have the education, knowledge or time to figure it all out, and we often fall under the spell of advertisers (buy this and you’ll be happy) or financial charlatans (I’ll make you rich!) who know how to influence our decisions for their benefit. 

A personalized financial plan is a roadmap for a well-lived life. It allows you to take control and protects against temptations you might later regret.  It aligns your financial decisions with your goals and values and it means better financial results (more money to devote to your passions!), confidence in your decisions, and, ultimately, peace-of-mind.

I am passionate about translating complex financial topics into straightforward recommendations to help clients live their best financial lives. At New Phase Financial, I want clients to spend LESS time thinking about money and more time on building a unique and meaningful life.

Interested in learning more?  Click here to set up a complimentary call to discuss whether a personalized financial plan is right for you.